Warrington Township Polling Locations
District 1
Warrington Township Building, 850 Easton Road, Warrington
Committee Person: Fred Gaines
Developments include: Est at War Ridge, Forrest Ridge, Greystone Meadow, Pickertown Knoll, Sweetbriar Village, War Village, War Village/Fairways, Warrington Station/Chatfield estates, Lower barness Rd Park Rd, Pickertown rd, Pine Cone rd, School Ln, Upper Barness Rd
District 2
Central Bucks South High School - Folly Road Warrington
Committee Persons: Kayma Sherman-Knuckles & Patrice Tisdale
Developments and Streets include: Arbor Ridge, High Gate, Legacy oaks East, Maple knoll, Millcreek village, Prescot Farms, Warrington Oaks, Warrington Glen, Warrington Springs, Windsong, Elbow Ln, Folly Rd, Lower State Rd, Pickertown Rd,.
District 3
Warrington Fellow ship Church 1455 Cooper Lane, Warrington
Committee Persons: Thom Magan & Karen Publick
Developments and Streets include: Fox Hollow /Valley Green, Palomino Farm, Valley Glenn, Fox Hollow, Bristol Rd and Shadow Creek Ln
District 4
Titus Elementary School: 2333 Lower Barness Road, Warrington
Committee Persons: Janice Devito and James Furlong
Developments and Streets include: Aloe Village, Hampton Greens, Meridian, Neshaminy Heights, Neshaminy Valley, Palomino Farms, Park at Westminster, Warrington Cross Apt, Warrington Pointe, Georges Ln, Poplar Rd, Spruce Rd, Street Rd
District 5
Warrington Felloship Church 1455 Cooper Lane, Warrington
Committee Persons: Vacant
Developments and Streets include: Forrest Glen, High Grove, Longview, Newpointe, Orchard Hill, Palomino Farms, Springbrook, Turnberry, Willow Knoll, Bristol, Cobblestone Cir E, Dubree ave, Easton rd, Guinea ln, Hidden Ct, Kelly Rd, Stuckert rd, WarWick, What Sheaf Ln, Winterberry Ct, Warwick
District 6
Central Bucks South High School - 1100 Folly Road Warrington
Committee Persons: Millie Seliga and Ruth Schemm
Developments and Streets include: Castle Hill, Fox Hollow /Valley Green, Hickory Ridge, Legacy oaks West, Longwood Court, Meadow Brook, Perry Farm, Reserve at Emerson Farm, Reserve at Warrington, Somerset Walk, Warrington Lea, Whisper Ridge, Whitehorn I, Whitehorn II, Limekiln Pike, Lower State Rd, Pickertown Rd, Stump Rd, Upper State Rd.
District 7
Central Bucks South High School - 1100 Folly Road Warrington
Committee Persons: Seth Gansman & Lisa MaCaulay
Developments and Streets include: Bradford Green, Lamplighter Village, Oak Creek, Penrose Walk, Perry Farm, Villas at lamplighter, Warrington Hunt, Warrington Meadows, Warrington Springs, Woodlands, County Line Road, Folly Road
District 8
Warrington Fire Station: 2310 Freedoms Way, Warrington
Committee Person: Eileen Albillar
Developments and Streets: Bluestone Woods/ Creek, Fairways, Hammersmith Farm, Neshaminy Gardens, Penns Wood, Warrington Station/Chatfield estates, Crimson Ct, Evergreen ave, Orchard Pl, Street Rd, Tabatha Dr. Titus Ave