Meet Fred Gaines
have over 45-years as a Professional Environmental Engineer in Pennsylvania and four other States, and I have been a Professional Planner in New Jersey with a Diploma in the American Academy of Environmental Engineers specializing in Water Supply and Wastewater.
I joined as Supervisor because I felt my education and experience could be beneficial in minimizing if not preventing any issues. This proved true when at the end of 2015 a Board of Supervisor vacancy occurred and the Township simultaneously faced a water supply contamination crisis, which I helped us navigate as a town. With my guidance we established a $12,000,000 capital reserve for future needs, and retired existing water and sewer related debt at considerable interest cost savings. My advanced Degree in Management, as well as my experience with Federal Laws and government contracts has proven to be extremely useful.
Before joining as Supervisor, I served the citizens of Warrington Township, joining the Environmental Activities Council first as Vice-Chairman and later as Chairman; as a member of the Zoning Hearing Board the Planning Department, and as a member then Chairman of the Planning Commission. Since February 2016 I have served as a member of the Board of Supervisors.
I look forward to working closely with the members of the Board and the professionals on the Township staff as we continue to respond the needs and concerns of the citizens by controlling the Township’s growth, by maintaining its rural character as it matures into a thriving, secure, economically stable, suburban community.